
Canadian Visitors Sarah Pattison & daughter Julia visit Angkor Hospital

Canadian Donors Visit!

Sarah Pattison and her daughter Julia visited AHC from 20 to 26 November. They have long been supporters of AHC through Vancouver fund raising events but this was their first time to visit the hospital and satellite clinic. They were also able to attend the opening event for the Angkor Photo Festival held in AHC’s Friends Center. Sarah and Julia have chosen to continue their generosity by purchasing a much needed dryer for the satellite clinic. The satellite team is very thankful for this.
The AHC Grants management team subsequently took Sarah and Julia on a quite successful fishing trip. According to the team, if you believe them, more fish were caught than could be counted and everyone’s stomachs were full after the mango fish roast. How is that for AHC success!?

 Posted on the website by David Shoemaker

